Neoteric Photography aims to explore photography in an age where the image is everywhere. The image has become prolific yet easily forgotten. Hoping to find something to hold onto, something that will survive longer that it takes for pixels to appear upon a screen.
This is the plan for my writing, I will answer the questions below to assist me in finalising and visualising what my final book will be.
What is your final idea? Please explain in two sentences the theme and the form your writing will take.
My final ideas is to create a story on the theme of change. The form it will take will be prose probably three chapters of a larger story.
Considering the form, how do you intend to layout your book pages?
I will be using conventional book chapters and will also use images to illustrate the text.
How many pages do you expect there will be?
My book will be between 30-40 pages (no longer)
Are you going to use images? Are these your own images (illustrations/photographs) or copyright free images that you will source?
Yes I will be using my own photos and I will also be soucing copyright free images to illustrate my text. All artists will be credited in the final work
What is the plan of your time and how much you will need to spend on this? Remember writing is something that you will need time and concentration without disturbance - you must make sure that you plan time to do this.
Week One - Sat/Sun - Initial structure of the work and plan for the three chapters. Aim to complete first draft of chapter One
Week Two - Sat/Sun - Draft chapters two and three
Week Three - Edit and proofread and redraft all chapters
What do you imagine the final book will look like?
Will be A5 or slightly larger depending on Blurb sizes. I may choose a square format rather than rectangular as this will be different from previous books and may make it more interesting as I will be buying a physical copy.
Have you considered the cover page/contents page/back cover with blurb?
Cover Page we will be designing in class/ however I will draft out ideas once I have started the writing
Contents Page - I will include a contents page for my three chapters
Back cover I will want to illustrate with an uimage and I do want the blurb on the back in the conventions of a book
Drafting and redrafting will need to be done? Who would you get to proofread your work?
Will ask a colleague of my partner to proofread after my final checks to ensure there are no mistakes before publication.
Write down any other thoughts or comments related to your plan on your blog post.
For this book I will need to be strict about the time taken over the weekend so I will put aside 3 hours to make sure I have a long length of time and then I will review later that day or on Sunday evening and spend another hour on review and structure/layout.
I will also need to research which I will try to do during the week so I have this at hand when I am writing.
Today we discussed legal and ethical issues with our presence online and also copyright issues. On my website I have now changed my copyright to my own name and this year which I will update yearly
My next was to add a contact form, so I did this andlined up with my navigation bar and just changed the page background.
I then changed the setting on my form by clicking on settings and this opened the contact form dashboard. I then checked the settings and I ensured that all the boxes were required fields and I added a Submission message. I then saved all my changes and then previewed.
I then went to 'setting' button over the form and then I went to 'design' in the dialog box. I then changed all the fonts in each field, title and button to Palantino Linotype. I then went through and changed the colour of the background, the field boxes, the text in all areas included the hover and regular text.
I finalised my contact page by adding a title and message - I did this by clicking on add in the left hand tools menu and then text and I dragged in a heading and small parargraph. I then just wrote my text and changed the font again to Paklantino Linotype and just adjusted the size. I then used the Wix gridlines to centre the text. Lastly, I added an image, for the moment I used a copyright free image from Unsplash. I then quickly edited the image in Wix Image Editor, I simply went to filters and then mellow so it was a soft black and white so it matched my website. I then saved my website and just previewed to check it looked as I wanted.
I am happy with the result for the moment and my form is set up and I will test this when I UX test the site when it is Live.
I am going to now add the social media icons so that my audience can connect with my work. I clicked on the 'Add' button in the left hand menu and then clicked on 'Social' and chose a social media icon bar and dragged it into the header.
My next step was to click on the social media bar in the header and then in the dialog box I clicked on 'add icons' in the right hand top corner. I then added Blogger, YouTube and Linkedin and added live links. I then saved and previewed to check these work correctly. I also changed the size of the icons once I had completed this by clicking on 'layout' over the icon bar and so they were 68pts and 14pts spacing.
I finally checked all links were working and the social links were ready for publication.
Today, we began by looking at the three week Creative Writing Brief. The aim is to create a chapbook, this is a small cheap book that was popular through the 17th to 19th centuries. These books could be poetry, prose, factual, manifestos, fairy stories and dark tales. The National Library of Scotland states; 'The subject matter of chapbooks was quite broad — sermons of covenanting ministers, prophecies, last words of murderers, songs and poems by Robert Burns and Allan Ramsay, and biographies of famous people such as Wallace, Napoleon and Nelson. There were romances and legends, not to mention manuals of instruction and almanacs.' (National Library of Scotland, 2025) They were popular with children and were passed around. They tended to be made on cheap paper and were highly valued and enjoyed by those who read them and them passed them on.
Chapbooks 'gradually disappeared from the 1860s onwards.This was not only because of the explosion in the amount of cheap printed matter available, but also due to strong competition from religious tract societies such as the Stirling Tract Enterprise which regarded many chapbook publications as 'ungodly'. (National Library of Scotland, 2025) However, there has been a revival in the 20th and 21st century and people now produce these small cheap books. These are sold online and often are handmade and self-published. There are also examples of online versions of these small books an e-book is a cheap book in our contemporary society.
Initial Ideas: My Own Chapbook
On my mind recently has been change. Many years can go by and suddenly you realise you are in a kind of Groundhog Day. Things stay the same and they stagnate. Once you start thinking on this, often the reaction is to talk yourself out of change as it will be a real hassle, it will be hard work, it might change your financial situation, home situation, work situation. Change is basically fairly terrifying whereas staying in the comfort zone, the status quo everything can carry on and no boat has been rocked! Change is hard and almost alarming, this is perhaps why I am drawn to writing a story with this kind of theme. Many books use a sudden change as the catalyst for the story, so I wonder how I might do this and, be interesting and have an original story to tell?
I began thinking about other authors who use this technique and 'Yes Man' (2005) By Danny Wallace is a good example. The story begins with Wallace saying no to everything, his girlfriend has left him, he is depressed, he doesn't want to do anything, go out with his friends and his job is unsatisfying - he just keeps saying 'No' to things. Then one day, Wallace chooses to only say 'yes' and the rules are that he must say 'yes' to everything no matter what and he draws up a contract with his friends and there is some kind of forfeit if he breaks the rules. The book is a bit silly, it is like a bunch of boys who think up silly challenges for each other however it is entirely positive, Zoe Williams writes of the book; 'you have a high tolerance for inanity, and that's where brilliant ideas happen, in a rainforest of daft ideas, not in a desert of someone saying things are daft and going back to bed. He [Wallace] once spent some time - entirely for his own amusement, he insists - making up the worst joke in the world, then sending it to comedians.' (Williams, 2005)
This book is a bit of silliness and was made into a film with Jim Carey, however, there is a bravery to it which I do think it easier when you are young, before you have a family/children/responsibilities. It is a bravery though that admire and perhaps I should take something from this bravery...
This idea about positivity leads me to think of Maslow - they use Maslow in Teaching Training however they don't tell you his most interesting studies, these I found through the writing of Colin Wilson who was also an advocate for the positive for higher experience and for not spending your life sleeping (or as he called it the robot). Geoff Ward states; 'Crucially, Wilson recognised ‘the robot’ – his term for how our consciousness operates on ‘auto-pilot’, narrowing our perception so as to enable us to handle everyday life – and the need to get beyond it in order to evolve.' (Ward, 2016) Below Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs' which shows that basic needs have to be fulfilled to reach higher levels psychologically and this brings love/belonging, esteem and then self-actualisation which is where it gets really interesting with Maslow as Maslow got sick of treating sick people and wanted to see what happened when he treated healthy people and he discovered that the more the healthy people talked and shared the more they started having 'moments of clarity' or even ecstasy; 'A moment of clarity is a powerful cognitive experience where someone suddenly gains deep understanding about themselves, their life, or a specific situation. These insights can range from recognizing personal capabilities to understanding life purpose, often feeling profound and meaningful to the individual experiencing them.' (Bridges-Ruiz, 2025)
Why I am writing about Maslow and Wilson is I began with change and with change can open the door to new experiences, a new understanding of the self and those around you and get you out of circular and perhaps in self-destructive thinking. So where do I go from here in terms of my ideas for writing my own chapbook?
If the theme is change, I now need to consider the form that my book will take. For this project, I think I would like to write prose, a story - previously I have done this and written three chapters of a longer story and I could do the same here as I enjoy the fact that the story can go one and often I have various subplots at play for development. Or I could just stick to a short story and really contain this and be very precise in the story development to ensure that the story will work a short story/novella form. I lean towards the three chapters of a larger book simply as I find the containment of the novella a little restrictive (not that boundaries are bad, boundaries do help to avoid getting lost out there!). I have just found one of my old books and I created this in diary form. I enjoyed this as it really gave an insight into the life of the character and his daily thoughts, anxieties and annoying everyday problems! I will see where this takes me once I have explored some story ideas on this theme.
Story Ideas
Story of a woman, happy, alone but stuck in a rut. Needs change and this comes in the form of finding a diary in a café. The diary belongs to a professor of something important in a midlands university. The story will take the woman out of her stasis and bring new opportunities that she never expected.
Story of an old man nearing the end of life who wants to take a last journey to fix something he did wrong a long time ago. The journey will be across Canada and will take the old man on a road much less travelled and to unexpected places
A series of letters between an artist and photographer creating a conversation between images and words
These are just a few ideas I would like to meditate on, they all take different forms but stick with the theme of change. I will choose one and see where it takes me...
Bridges-Ruiz, V. (2025). >> The Power of Moments of Clarity. [online] Unbreakable Bonds. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2025].
National Library of Scotland (2025). Chapbooks. [online] National Library of Scotland. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2025].
Ward, G. (2016). BEYOND THE ROBOT | colin-wilson-world. [online] colin-wilson-world. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2025].
Williams, Z. (2005). The opposite of toxic. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2025].
Jane watched him from across the time-worn cherry wood dining table, they both sat silently as they began their evening meal. This now tired and repetitive scene had started to make Jane's head swoon with déjà vu and as she looked up to see her husband of twelve years, shovel inelegantly food into his mouth, she started to feel rather nauseous. Her husband, John's mouth was very slightly open and she could see his rather uneven, wine stained teeth working the cooked vegetables into a rather vile spit-filled mush, he just kept moving the food round and round until she had to look away from fear of the digust showing on her face. Jane stared down onto her plate of food looking at the vegetables she had overcooked (again), the vegetarian chicken parts that were too greasy, and potatoes that she had accidently dropped onto the kitchen floor, so had just scooped them up with her hands and thrown them indecorously onto their plates. Jane picked at the food wih her fork, but now could hear the squishy, slimy sound of his revolting chewing followed by loud repugnant swallowing which made her think of the filthy scene inside his mouth.
Today we started making our own website. I started by going to Wix and I chose a template that is in my subject area 'photography'. This is the template I chose.
My next step was to check the homepage and it was visible, therefore I went to the left-hand tools menu and clicked on 'pages and menu', I then checked the pages and there was an eye crossed out which meant the page was hidden. Therefore I went to the three dots at the end of the homepage and in the dropdown box, I made the page visible by clicking on 'show page'. I then clicked on the text of the name of the site and changed it to my own name. I then chose a font/typography that I intend to use throughout the site.
For my font, I chose Palantino Linotype, which was at 60pts for my name and at 22pts for the subject area which I also changed. I then dragged both my name and subject to the header so that this was visible on all pages.
I then went to 'pages and menu' in the left-hand tools menu and I deleted any pages I did not need by clicking on the three dots at the end of the page and then clicking on 'delete'. I then checked I had the four pages that I wanted which are: Home, About, Portfolio, and Contact. I then checked that they were all visible and showing in my navigation bar.
My next step was to check the header and design the navigation bar. For the step I clicked on the navigation bar and the design icon (little paintbrush) I then customised the design of the menu. I scrolled down and chose the design I liked. I then clicked into menu items and 'background fils' I then changed the colour when I was on 'hover, 'current', and 'regular', I then changed the font to Palantino Linotype and size to 28pts.
Lastly I changed the background image, this was in section so I changed the section by right clicking in the background and then in dialog box I chose 'image' and upload image to my 'site files' , I clicked on the image and to page. I then made adjustments and changed the background colour on header and footer by again tight clicking and change header/footer background an then in the dialog box choosing the colour. I then previewed and then clicked on save. This is my first draft of my website homepage.
After consideration, I updated the page and design and added my own image - I may still change this
I tried backgrounds in Black and grey, I think I prefer the grey below as in my original design
I will keep this post updated with any adjustments and changes I make..
I am now going to check the mobile view and make adjustments as necessary. This is how my mobile view looks at present.
On te mobile view I began by adding a 'back to top' button' I clicked on 'Tools' in the left hand menu and then 'back to top'. I then click on the button and tehn clicked on 'change icon', I chose an icon I liked and then I dragged this into a position that I thought worked well, just above the footer.
At the top of the page I changed the size of the social media icons as they were too big. I changed the size of these by clicking on the icons and then clicking on 'layout' I then changed the size here to 40pts.
I also changed the text size and positioning so I just clicked on these and used the move tool and the transform controls. I used gridlines to ensure correct positioning.
I also changed the image so that is was portrait in orientation and long and thin so that this was more impactful on my homepage on my mobile.
Lastly I changed the footer design and background. The background on the whole page I ensured was the same grey as the header. The footer was in black which I kept however I made this smaller by dragging the arrow at the botttom of the footer upwards. I then changed the copyright notice text colour to white so it was visible.
I have saved and previewed the mobile view and everything looks good however my back to top button still needs work.
Today we were looking at quality control on Photoshop and so I chose and image to practice with. To begin I checked the actual pixels by zooming in and visually checking how sharp and clear my image was. I went over the whole image to check for dust and spots and blemishes.
I then opened the clone stamp tool by right clicking on the clone stam icon and then 'clone stamp' tool. My menu for this tool then appeared at the top my workspace
I then chose a blemish I wanted to remove the models face, I then clicked on ALT - and clicked on my mouse in area very close to the blemish to get the tight skin colour to clone. I then clicked gently over blemish in 'normal' blend mode. If that had not worked or it was too light or too dark I would have changed the blend mode for this blemish.
I continued using the clone stamp tool and did this for other areas with spots and blemishes and changed the blend mode accordingly. I can also changed the shape and size of the brush in the top menu depending on the area. I will always use a soft brush on portrait images. Opacity was 100% as we were removing errors in the image.
I then went on to look at the other adjustments so I went to 'image' in the top menu and then 'adjustments'. I went to 'curves' and the dialog box popped up.
I then gently moved the line to make the image very slightly lighter so that it popped a little when I added the to my website. I just clicked 'ok' when I was happy with the adjustment.
I also looked at sharpness so I went to 'Filter' in the top menu then I opened 'unsharp mask' in teh drop down box and the dialog box opened.
My image was fairly sharp but had a little softness so I very gently moved the sharpness amount from 50% to 73%. I then looked at the radius and this the radius of pixels to 3.0 pixels and then I changed the threshold to 8 levels.
Threshold means: 'Threshold in Photoshop is an essential feature that enables users to transform images into high-contrast, black-and-white versions. By selecting a specific level as a threshold, the tool converts pixels lighter than the threshold to white and those darker to black. This powerful image adjustment can be used to enhance artistic effects, improve image clarity, or determine the lightest and darkest areas of an image.' (Martin, 2023)
I then chose another image and completed the same visual checks and used the clone stamp tool again to remove spots and blemishes.
I then went to 'image' in the top menu and then 'adjustments' I chose to adjust the vibrance of this image as I thought I could make this pop a little more. Therefore I clicked on 'vibrance' and in the dialog box and moved the slider until I was happy with the vibrance level at +23. I thne clicked on 'OK'
I also looked at the image in black and white as often images may look better in black and white and sometimes it is nice to see the difference particularly when thinking about images for final project.
Therefore, I clicked on 'image' and then 'adjustments' and then 'black and white'. A dialog box then opened with range of colours that make up the black and white. I slightly adjusted tried as this will make the image slightly warmer as a black and white image. Once I was happy with the image I clicked on 'OK' to apply the changes. The results can be seen below.
This was just a practice. When I have completed my final shoot I will curate my images and then I will use these quality control techniques before I complete the presentation process ready for my website.
Martin, G. (2023). What Is Threshold In Photoshop? [online] PRO EDU. Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2025].
Please find my project sign-off here for this term. My project will be a short performance art film that is my response to the Trump Inauguration. I will be looking at other performance artists such as Yoko Ono, the Vienna Actionists and Pippi Lotti Rist to inform my project work.
I will begin my research on portrits by loooking at a photograph by Diane Arbus. I have chosen this image of Child with a toy hand grenade (1962). I chose this image as the boy drew me into the image, he looks strange and wild with hands clenched. Is this boy posing? Is the photographer directing this boy to strike this pose, pull this face or is this what the boy looks like? He is at the forefront of the image with background of the park dropping out behind him, it is a sunny day in New York City. The boy is slightly off centre and light of the tree creates a pattern of light and he is standing on a path and the leading line is disappearing into the park where we see others strolling in the sun in the background. looking closely at the boy with the wild look in his eyes and the hand grenade, I feel that this boy was directed, he looks directly into the camera, challenging the viewer. His dirty knees and wrinkled socks, his clothes with the dungaree strap falling off his shoulder emphasise that perhaps all is not well.
The boy in this image was called Colin Wood and, at this time in America, the Vietnam War (1955-1975) was at its height and the boy understood this Bree Hughes from the auction house stated; 'Arbus captures a boy on the cusp of adolescence yet still playing with toys—but the object is a plastic grenade, an object of war' (Cascone, 2017). The boy, Colin Wood was looked after by nannies and his parents were divorcing so he was quite angry and frustrated, 'years later he [Colin Wood] said of Arbus, ‘She saw in me the frustration, the anger at my surroundings, the kid wanting to explode but can’t because he’s constrained by his background’.' (Saatchi, 2021) This may be the context to the image and the boys' background but as a shoot the whole contact sheet tells more of a story. In most these images the child looks happy, contented, relaxed, smiling and even posing for th camera. This is not what Arbus was after nad in the final photo the one that was to become a seminal image in the art world, Bree Hughes states; 'In this photo, his patience has worn thin, as if to say ‘take my photo already!' (Cascone, 2017). I would argue that Arbus deliberately frustrated the boy to get the picture she really wanted. Arbus on this occasion had; 'spent almost eight hours shooting the family, deliberately employing her ‘truth-by-exhaustion’ technique' (Saatchi, 2021).
This image was taken with a square format Rolliflex camera and around this time; 'Arbus stopped using her 35mm cameras in favor of a 2 ¼ twin-lens Rolleiflex.' (Sothebys, 2016). The square format became her style and suited the portrait images she wanted to take. In the Sothebys catalogue the blurb states of this image; 'Arbus’s best images demonstrate the photographer’s uncanny ability to interact and empathize with her sitters, and in this photograph Arbus has entered the complex and brilliant world of the child with a vengeance.' (Sothebys, 2016) Again, I would argue that this is not entirely true, I do think that Arbus considered herself an outsider in society however, I don't think she always empathised with her subjects, as evidenced here she basically exhaused the boy till she got the image she wanted. Nick Tauro argues in a similar manner; 'this photo of a young boy playing with a toy looks positively unsettling. Perhaps that was her agenda all along. Possibly she knew full well that she could manipulate the viewer’s response.' (Tauro, 2017). This is interesting, as now we can start thinking about viewer response, so moving forward from photographer and sitter, we will examine the third person in the photograph the viewer.
As a viewer of the image, I am looking at this through the lens of history, however in this particular image this could be a child playing inalmost anytime, the clothes and people give the time away somewhat. This image now is considered a seminal image in the ouvre of Arbus however this was not always the case and Ingledew in his book 'Photography'; states 'One photographer interviewed for this book remembers Diane Arbus's prints - each now worth the value of a large house - being stuck up on a pinboard among the chaos of The Sunday Times art department for anyone to take home, so little were they valued.' (Ingledew, 2013) Our perception of what is valuable in artistic terms changes over time and at different times in history. At the moment Arbus's work is considered very valuable as historical document, attitudes of the time and the mores of society in her time. They are also valuable as they posit an ethical and moral argument about photgraphy. Are we just the voyeaurs looking on, is Arbus making us voyeurs and these individuals are still essentially freaks to be looked at. We now have reality TV whichis a modern voyeurism that is prolific. Social media of course has made evryone into voyeurs of others lives and not always in a good way. Did Arbus improve the lives of those she photographed or change people's attituse to those she photographed and to an extent she did by exposing people outside of society to those within it, she did make people think and consider their own attitudes. I hope that it did contribute (whatever Arbus's intentions) make society more a more considerate, tolerent and diverse place for us to live in today.
Benson, L. (2023). What happens when an arts icon dies? [online] @FinancialTimes. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Bunyan, D.M. (2012). Diane Arbus On Freaks. [online] Art Blart. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Cascone, S. (2017). Revisiting Diane Arbus’s Most Famous Photo on Her 94th Birthday. [online] artnet News. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Ingledew, J. (2013). Photography Second Edition. London: Laurence King Publishing.
Saatchi, C. (2021). Child with a toy hand grenade in Central Park NYC, 1964. [online] Charles Saatchi. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Sothebys (2016). (#33) DIANE ARBUS | ‘Child with a Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, N. Y. C.’ [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Tauro, N. (2017). Worth a Thousand Words: Diane Arbus. [online] Nick Tauro Jr. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
For my photography project, I had explored ideas and the one that I wanted to go forward with was similar to the Sunil Gupta images with the concept of a place and a portrait. I was going to venture out to start photographing significant doorways as I had 5 in mind ready for this concept. However, as it turned out Sunday was a rather miserable day in Leicester with high winds and rain! The rather gloomy shot below reminds me somewhat of Lowry with his industrial images!
Not to be too downhearted about this I did a few shots indoors as the portraits themselves would be domestic. Here are my contact sheets below, I just did these on a 2 second timer and the settings were monochrome, F3.5, ISO 200, with no exposure compensation to begin.
The shot of my own door was awkward as I was as far back as I could be in the very small corridor to my opposite neighbours. My door will be in the as it is very important so this is the shot, but I will see if I can find a way to get the whole door...
The EXIF details for this shot were F3.5, ISO 800, Shutter Speed 1/60. Technically the shot is okay however I do need the whole door as stated.
The other shots were around medication, sleep and reading. The reading shots did not work so I won't post any here - I wanted these to be at a different angle and closer up. The sleeping is okay however again these will be reshot
The EXIF details for this shot were F3.5, ISO 1600, 1/20 shutter speed. My camera clearly was on auto ISO as it adjusted to a higher ISO as conditions were quite dull. Therefore the shot is clear and sharp as it was on a tripod the shutter speed was unaffected by shake. I will reshoot in better light and with more consistent shots for the final images.
The other shot I tried was the medication shot, This again is okay however I want to work on the angle and see if there is a better way to do this. I chose this as the medication was in sharp focus - I had a choice between face or medication in focus..
The EXIF details on this image were ISO 1600, F3.5, 1/15. Again, camera was on a tripod so the image is sharp. The ISO adjusted to compensate for dull conditions. I will now just mock up a final piece to see if this idea will work for the final images.
This is a mock-up and here the door is safety, and the meds are stroke I like the concept and do think this will work - I will now start shooting the images I will use for the final images in the portfolio. I liked the black canvas but I also tried this out on grey
I will experiment further with final canvas and colour to see what will work best for final portfolio, I will also write out the concept to add to my website for presentation.
In my project, I will start by looking at Yoko Ono. I am looking at Ono because I am interested in exploring her Fluxus performance artwork as I will be creating a piece of performance art. In this post I will be analysing Yoko Ono's 'Cut Piece' (1964)
Yoko Ono, Cut Piece (1964)
Yoko Ono sat on a stage in 1964 and her performance was to invite the audience to take a pair of scissors and cut her clothes off her body. 'This work challenged traditional norms of audience participation, gender roles, and the dynamics of power and vulnerability' (Fiveable, 2025). The reason I chose this work is because when I was at university this is one of the first works I recreated as a photographic piece. I like the challenge to create this in images as it does challenge the audience and in the performance itself takes power away from the men doing the cutting and the power balance goes to Ono as she sits dead eyed looking out while her clothes are removed. Ono stated of performing the piece; 'When I do the Cut Piece, I get into a trance, and so I don't feel too frightened. There's several layers of meanings. So of course I was saying, hey, you're doing this to women, you know? We're all in it. But also, at the time, it's much better to just go with it. And that thought of letting women know that, you know, we're all going through this, but don't fight, let it happen. By not fighting, we show them that there's a whole world, which could exist by being peaceful.' (MoMA, 2015) The idea that this represented the power of men and her response interestingly is to not fight, let it happen and be peaceful is perhaps, now, a too passive response. As I will make a film of my response to the Trump inauguration, one of the key things that is devasting is how women will suffer from the chain of events that led to this. One of the most important is the overturning of Roe vs Wade (1973) which gave women the right to legal abortion. Now that this has been overturned and states can decide whether women have this right it has already resulted in women not receiving healthcare, maternal deaths and women being denigrated for trying to a obtain and abortion. FIGO (International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) states; 'Lack of access to safe abortion care is one of the leading causes of preventable maternal death and disability. Each year 47,000 women in the world die as a result of unsafe abortion and an estimated five million are hospitalised for the treatment of serious complications such as bleeding or infection. We urge governments around the world to take steps to mitigate the harms of unsafe abortion.' (Randals, 2021)
Moving from the women's rights issue, I would also like to discuss the making of this piece. Ono was part of the Fluxus movement which began in the 1960s and was prominent through the 1960s and 70s, 'George Maciunas, the primary founder and organizer of the movement, described Fluxus as, "a fusion of Spike Jones, gags, games, Vaudeville, Cage and Duchamp".' (The Art Story, 2012). The idea, at its heart, was to break down barriers to art and creativity. For women performance art offered an ideal method for creating art as they did not need materials or equipment, often they used their own or others' bodies and they could cheaply use community space, public spaces and their own domestic spaces to perform. This performance was on stage and cheaply recorded on film so it it freeing for both the artists and for the creative process. The audience also has an interactive and immersive experience.
I will be creating a video more because now in a way is less physically interactive, more interactive online. I don't necessarily think that this is a good thing... however to connect to an audience I can post this video, it will still be cheap and easy to make and I will need very little equipment as I plan to use my domestic environment, outdoors in locations close by, stock footage and free simple editing software. Looking at Ono's film I do like the stillness and the black and white so I will be thinking carefully as I am keen on stillness.
The message of Ono's work whether it is an active stance on the power balance of men and women or a too passive message, as I suggested earlier, is still up for debate as; 'Ono has remained ambiguous about the work’s meaning, allowing the viewer to form their own judgement. This has polarized art historians who fail to agree on the message behind the various violent and passive aspects of the performance.' (The Art Story, 2012). It is a feminist work and is still a powerful and seminal piece that has influenced other artists and their work. This work has meant much to me when I started to make work and still remains important and relevant today.
As a beginning to my work, I have put together a very short storyboard of the first few cuts from the performance I will make. I used a Canva storyboard template and then I uploaded the images which are representations of the shots I will make - I edited these on Photoshop.
My next step will just be a test shoot and short edit to see if this idea will work...
Art-Sôlido (2017). Yoko Ono: The Cut Piece that changed forever the relationship between artist and audience. [online] Art-Sôlido. Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2025].
MoMA (2015). Yoko Ono. Cut Piece. 1964 | MoMA. [online] The Museum of Modern Art. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2025].
Randals, R. (2021). Post-Roe v Wade: Call to mitigate the harms of unsafe abortion | Figo. [online] Figo. Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2025].
In my performance art film/photographic project for Digital Arts I will be creating a film of no more than 5 minutes. This may contain still and/or moving images. The concept is my response to the Trump inauguration. I will be using a Olympus DSLR camera to film the footage/take still images and I will use Clipchamp to edit the film. The project will then be aded to my website as final portfolio by the beginning of March.
In class, we looked at various portrait photographers including, Annie Leibovitz, David Bailey (as below), Terry O'Neill and some images from Life Magazine. Today we completed our studio shoot, this included a high-key set-up with a white backdrop and that was a four-light set-up. We also did a low-key set-up with a black backdrop and two lights. We used Billie H as the model and she completed a series of poses for us to shoot in both set-ups.
For the high key set-up, we set our cameras to 200 ISO, a wide aperture of F4.0/5.6 and this was 0 exposure compensation. For the low-key, we began with 400 ISO, a wide aperture of F4/5.6 and I began with -1.5 exposure compensation which I dropped down to -2 to compensate for low light.
I will begin by showing a couple of shots from the high-key set-up we did a few seated portrait shots and then we used a sitting on the floor pose a little like this one by Terry O'Neill.
The shot I chose from these shots was the one below. I liked this shot as it is high key, so nice and bright which works well with the model's pose and colourful hair against the pale dress, The pose works well and the landscape gives a full-length pose and breathing room so the framing makes for a good composition. The settings of F5 and ISO 200 are good however the shot is not as sharp as I would like as the shutter speed was just 1/40, I should have probably either adjusted the ISO to 100 or overexposed slightly using exposure compensation.
I chose this shot from the same pose I like this one as I felt it was sharper despite the lower shutter speed so I must have had a much steadier hand in this shot. The skin colour the look into the distance and the hand gently resting do make this shot work quite well.
The next shots are all low-key and so are more challenging to as we are working in lower light.
Phillipe Volgenzang
Above is the reference pose we used for the next shots - as can be seen here the light is even and bright and the background is slightly grey. We used a black background and the shots were as below. I thought the pose here is very good and matched the reference pose almost exactly. This was on a really slow shutter of 1/13 so not as sharp as it could be and if I had been doing this alone I probably would have set up a tripod for some of the low-key shots. However, this has an almost dreamy quality and light is working well within the image, a good rule of thirds.
The next image we used as a reference was this David Bailey image below
David Bailey
This shot I did not think the pose worked as well the idea is there but I think the positioning of the hands and body is not quite correct. The light is good and the image is fairly sharp even though the shutter speed still quite slow. Overall this is not my favourite shot but we had a go at this and I just think other shots worked much better.
The next shot was based on the Annie Leibovitz image here, this works well with the model all in black, the rule of thirds and the very white skin against a black background make this a high-contrast image that has a good impact.
Annie Leibovitz
In this image, it is not the exact pose but very much reminded me of images of Jerry Hall, with the hair over the shoulder and leaning into the side. This image worked quite well in the studio the dark and light contrast is good and again good rule of thirds, The image is fairly sharp but again I would have improved the sharpness with more time and longer session here.
The last image I will be sharing is based on this pose by Annie Leibovitz, I really liked this with the black dress leaning backwards and I do think this was one of the most successful poses of the session.
In this image, the light is bright and even and the black dress works very well against the black background the light does glint off the slightly shiny dress and the model pose works well. considering the slowness of the shutter speed, without a tripod this is quite successful.
Overall a good shoot, it is difficult as a whole class as we have limited time with each shot. On the low-key shots I would have set up a tridop and spend more time adjusting the lights for each shot if I was doing this as a photo-shoot of my own. However, in the time given and as a practice there are some decent shots that work well and certainly ideas that could be developed for a more in-depth photo-shoot.