Completed my yoga this morning when I got up in an effort to feel calmer all day ...I think it helped to an extent!
I have been looking at transformational websites and I have now understood that business is good in for all those who promote personal transformation - there are many life coaches, spiritual life coaches, life changing blogs etc. All promise to change your life in a few easy steps and many will happily extract the money from your paypal account or credit card...
Here are a couple of examples:
Spiritual Awakening
This site offers Spiritual Coaching, Healing, Guidance and Wisdom. It does not align to any religion and cleverly uses the vague term 'spirituality' to draw you into how you can be changed from the inside. On the side menu a free gift is offered which is 'channelled from different spiritual beings'. You can also subscribe - it states it is free but if you click on this you are sent to paypal! The homepage states that Spiritual Awakening offers:
- Consciously channeling a variety of angelic, spiritual and extra terrestrial beings and sharing their wisdom
- Providing spiritual awakening and spiritual life coaching and mentoring
- Doing energy healing and spiritual healing
- Sharing spiritual information and wisdom though audio and video recordings in my membership site
- Passing on messages and guidance from Spirit
- Helping people develop their intuition, psychic abilities and unique talents
- Periodically sharing spiritual and inspirational information via email
- Doing live seminars and events
- Helping to bring more love, joy, kindness and compassion into the world to raise the energy vibration of the world
Spiritual Awakening homepage:
If you then click on 'Services' you will get this page:
Spiritual services which offer healing through a Reiki Master and channeling the spirit again - also when if states that something is free you still have to pay $80 for 60 minutes and $100 for 90 minutes - this is followed by a list of testimonials with lots of people stating how healed and amazing they felt like this:
y second Reiki healing session was the start of a spiritual awakening. I would describe it as nothing short of amazing! It was like I had a second sight into life. It is an experience that I would recommend for others, as you will start to explore further inward on your soul’s journey.
Thank you Dortmund! You are a wonderful person assisting others on their journeys, which helps us to recognize what it is we can do to help ourselves. You are truly a great teacher.”
– Namaste Carol Mitchell
On the members page you get the benefits of membership:
As you can see there are many things here that I am looking forward to trying out - I like particularly 'Raise your energy vibration' and 'Discover and fulfill your life purpose' - I imagine that if I pay $80 all my prayers will be answered and my life will have changed! I can see clearly now that I am in the wrong business as it seems you can offer anything and people will buy in if they think that they will be changed or healed or fixed...very interesting.
So above is one approach now take a look at this -
Liz Goodchild, Life Coaching
This website is clean, simple and actually really does catch your attention and this cleverly does not opening ask for money or credit card payments anywhere - you can contact Liz and then I expect the cost would be revealed! However this site is clever in under the About in the drop down box the first item says '7 Reasons I am not the Life Coach for You' your thinking, hey why she actively discouraging me and of course then you read more - I ended up reading her whole personal story about how she changed her life and what was holding her back and all the way through there is much more of a pull to believe in this woman - it is very good indeed! I am not talking about the actual coaching I am talking about the reeling you in, making you want it and that is a successful site! This below is teh blurb from the About page.

And here below 'What I do' so simple, so easy - no spiritual awakening but clear sensible advice - a completely different market to the one above - think business people...

Looking at these two you can see how the transformational market is really a big one out there and there is sooo much on offer. It was difficult to find definable statistics on this but there clearly is a rise in these kind of self help websites - This article from Market states that this is a 9.9 billion industry and on the rise -
Check out the article here. It states also that the market is changing and that it used be baby Boomers who were the largest marketing but now it is shifting to millenials. The 'average' coach makes $62,000 per year so I expect as a really successful coach this could be very good pay and many things are completed online as this suits people's lifestyles and a general tendency in humans to be lazy! We want to transform ourselves but we don't want to put in the effort or the time! Many of these sites sell on 10 minutes a day or so many steps so that it doesn't look like hard work. Overall This has been a very useful exercise in looking at how this works and now I am off to change my job!....
Namaste Dortmund (2019)
Spiritual Awakening [Online] Available From: (Accessed 15/04/19)