The new term has begun and I aim to create a project that I actually get to finish this time!!! We started in class with 20 ideas in 20 minutes....

I also created in my second lesson through the Object Lesson on Milanote this object was a spiky blue ball!

As you can see this one inspired me to look at the mountains of Peru, the images of Casper David Friedrich and ideas of the sublime and transformation.
I reflected on both my ideas pieces and both included an idea of transformation or causing change. In my first piece 20 ideas there was the idea of a 30 day challenge and recording this or something similar and the idea of chance/fate/free will and consequences. I think all these ideas may come together to begin something. Therefore I will begin by researching these ideas ....
Carl Jung was a swiss psychologist (1875-1961) who was interested in symbols, dreams and myths and how they entered our unconscious. he believed that by analysing our dreams we would understand ourselves better and our own motivations. He thought that there was a series of archetypes that could be interpreted

'Jung looked at areas of the mind that constitute the psyche, and the way in which they influenced one another. He distinguished the persona, or the image of ourselves that we present to the world, from our shadow, which may be comprised of hidden anxieties and repressed thoughts. Jung also noted the relationship between our personal unconscious, which contains an individual's personal memories and ideas, and a collective unconscious, a set of memories and ideas that is shared amongst all of humanity. Shared concepts, which Jung described as archetypes, permeate the collective unconscious and emerge as themes and characters in our dreams and surface in our culture - in myths, books, films and paintings, for example.' ( 2019)
What is interesting and useful about this is perhaps using this idea to really use my own dreams and find my own archetypes and make photographs of these.
Many have thought that dreams could somehow be captured take this image by Commandant Darget taken of his wife's forehead whilst she was sleeping using a photographic plate - he really thought that he had captured her dream state through the image.
Photographie du Reve L'Aigle by Commandant Darget
Dreams are unconscious and random and only some dreams are lucid - which means that that you may be able to control the dream while you sleep. Here again we are between the elements of chance and the elements of control over life, fate and consequences.
Just as an end point to this post I also looked up 30 day challenges and similar like this one 'embracing the simple' and I will look further into this as I do think that this has all the right elements for a project that I can clearly document and us. I will develop this idea further in my next post with a small practice run!
Psychologists World (2019) Carl Jung: Archetypes and Analytical Psychology [Online] Available From: (Accessed 7th April 2019)
Gabbatiss J. (17/01/17) The Man who tried to Photograph Thoughts and Dreams [Online] Available From: (Accessed 7th April 2019)
Cohut M (14/09/18) Medical News Today: Controlling the Stories of Sleep [Online] Available from: (Accessed 7th April 2019)
Tiplea C. (23/05/16) Embracing The Simple Blog: Fifteen 30 Day Challenges [Online] Available From: (Accessed 7th April 219
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