Neoteric Photography aims to explore photography in an age where the image is everywhere. The image has become prolific yet easily forgotten. Hoping to find something to hold onto, something that will survive longer that it takes for pixels to appear upon a screen.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Creative Media: Test Shots and Planning
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Initial Research: Yoko Ono
In my project, I will start by looking at Yoko Ono. I am looking at Ono because I am interested in exploring her Fluxus performance artwork as I will be creating a piece of performance art. In this post I will be analysing Yoko Ono's 'Cut Piece' (1964)
Thursday, 23 January 2025
SMART Objective: Silent Scream Photgraphic/Film Project
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Creative Media: Studio Portrait Practice
In class, we looked at various portrait photographers including, Annie Leibovitz, David Bailey (as below), Terry O'Neill and some images from Life Magazine. Today we completed our studio shoot, this included a high-key set-up with a white backdrop and that was a four-light set-up. We also did a low-key set-up with a black backdrop and two lights. We used Billie H as the model and she completed a series of poses for us to shoot in both set-ups.
I will begin by showing a couple of shots from the high-key set-up we did a few seated portrait shots and then we used a sitting on the floor pose a little like this one by Terry O'Neill.
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Major Project: Initial Ideas
For Digital Arts we are going to create a major project in our subject area. My subject area is Photography/Film, so I will begin on this post to explore some of the ideas I have been thinking about.
I have been thinking about the Trump Inauguration as this greatly upset me, we are now in Trump World which is against all my liberal values and so I wanted to make a response to this using Performance art. I would like to do something to express my feeling of disgust and despair so I was think of Yoko Ono's Performance Art and Music. Below is a video of Screaming with John Lennon - I like the idea of screaming and it being a performance of some kind - perhaps in different locations.
Yoko screaming in Get Back (n.d)
I also thought again about experiencing Pippi Lotti Rist in a gallery lying on the floor, the film was celebration of the feminine and it was experiential. Here is another example of Rist which I think is more about performance and sound
In this song it starts off quite calm and then descends into screaming, I like the visuals and the audio with Rist singing the song until it is incomprehensible screams. In my own piece, I like the idea of the visual being quite strange so different locations are good but also perhaps different me's, or maybe many repeated me's. This is multiplicity photography and I have done this before but with more locations and a strong theme I think this could be done well in this project. Here are some examples...
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Creative Media: Initial Ideas Photography Project
For this Photography Project as my portrait shots tend to be self-portraits simply for ease of model! I have been re-reading Susan Bright's Auto Focus. This book is all about the self portrait in Photography and I thought I would share artists that interested me and have sparked some ideas.
I will begin with Ken O'Hara who in the 1970s became known through his portraits of people which were 'tightly cropped headshots, printed in full bleed, with no explanatory text.' (Bright, 2010:28) the repetition of the shots made this an interesting art piece. He then did the same with himself through the day for many days, the book was like a concertina and his day unfolded through these shots.
The next artist I looked at was Sunil Gupta who is an Indian-born, Canadian artist who, in his series 'From Here to Eternity' (1995) began when he was diagnosed with HIV. The shots he created in this series were a self-portrait shot paired with a London Gay Club. These images I was really taken with as I like the juxtaposition of his portraits of himself at medical appointments, at home and then showing places that looked closed down, this is a very personal journey but in the images, there are 'links between religion, salvation, colonization and control' (Bright: 2010:42)
I am now torn between an idea similar to Gupta as this would mean five photos of myself matched with five places - this is certainly very simple to do with the right places and the right idea of the message. This would work within the timeframe and am almost tempted to create colour images to do this. The Paradeis images are also an attractive idea as I could create images that are just in my mind and these would be a strange compilation of images however these are more complex precisely because they have remained in my mind! I think overall I will attempt a project like Sunil Gupta - it comes from a different place, a different experience and that is why is could make for a really interesting series.
Bright S. (2010) Auto-Focus: The Self Portrait in Contemporary Photography, Thames & Hudson, London.
Hales Gallery. (2025). Sunil Gupta - Overview. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2025].