
Monday 30 September 2024

Practice Sequential Images

 Today in class we were practicing creating sequential images.  As I was completing this task on my own.  My idea was to create something small using my lightbox. At home, I have a couple of 3D printed statuettes of a male and female form so I thought this would make a good sequence and I considered ideas of Adam and Eve.  One of the artists I most admire is Albrect Dürer. and below is his version of Adam & Eve.  

Adam & Eve (1507) By Albrect Dürer

In my own version, I set up the light box with a black background as my figures are white, I then set up my camera.  In this instance, I used my Olympus Stylus SH-2.  I used this camera as it has a monochrome grain setting and super macro.  I used both these settings when taking my images.  I wanted to really captures the bodies moving in the space with each other.

Once I had taken the images (I took around 40 images) I then created a contact sheet, using a contact sheet generator - I added my image title and camera so that this would appear at the bottom of the contact sheet.  I downloaded this as a png so I could add this here to share. 

Once I had all the originals I could choose my final six images for my final piece.  To put these images together I went onto Pixlr E and I first went to 'Create New' and created a canvas, I chose a black background as my images had a black background and I wanted the figures to really stand starkly white in the final piece.  I then opened all the images that I wanted to use and then carefully rotated all the images using image, rotating counterclockwise.  I then selected each image and clicked on copy, then went back to my canvas and clicked on paste.  Then adjusted the size using transform controls.  Once the images were correctly placed, I used the gridlines to ensure the spacing was correct and even and left enough room around the frame and for the title.  I then clicked on the text tool and created a text layer.  I wrote my title, with a year and my own name.  I then selected this and chose the font Georgia and the size 60pts. This was my final sequence

For a very quick practice this worked well.  The light is correct and the use of the macro meant that the detail is clear and I liked the idea that we can come from painting to 3D printing and still make something very classical and beautiful.

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