Today I am doing the digital workshop for Architecture and interior on Photshop. I will be starting to design my presentation boards.
I began by creating a canvas. I clicked on 'File' in the top menu and the 'New'. I then clicked on 'Print' in the top menu of the dialog box. I then chose A3, Landscape orientation, checked it was 300dpi resolution which is high quality and a white background. Then I clicked 'create'.
To design the board I chose three different back drops that were in abstract wood design so I could decide which might work best with my presentation boards.
To decide which background I wanted I uploaded to Photoshop just by clicking on 'File' and 'Open'. I then clicked on the tab for each and then in the layers menu I clicked on the padlock to unlock each background as this opens up the opacity, so I tried lowering opacity to decide if this would work.
I chose the one I liked and then I clicked on 'Select' on the top menu and then 'Edit' and then 'Copy', I then went to my canvas tab and clciked on 'Edit' and then 'Paste'. I then went to my move tool in the tools menu on the left hand side, I then could use the transform controls to drag the image out to cover the canvas, I did this then clicked back on my move tool. I then went back to layers menu and clicked on the Layer One with the image then I lowered opacity to 60%.
My next step was to add text layers, so I began by clicked on the 'T' tool in the tools menu and then clicking into the canvas, I then chose my font which was Baskerville Old Face and for the title of my project this was at 60pts, I then added subtitle using the same process however this was at 48pts. Underneath this I added the title of the board which was 'Concept' 48pts. As by backdrop was a little dark I lowered the opacity further to 51%.

I then used Adobe Express to create a logo. I chose an elegant style and approriate icon and typography for architecture. I then downloaded this and made sure I had a transparent version. I then opened this on Photoshop, I did not like the colour so I duplicated ther layer then went to 'Image' in the top menu and 'Adjustments' and then I went to the and saturation and I just used the sliders to find the right shade for my logo. I then went to crop tool in the tools menu and cropped excess space round the logo . I then Selected this and the copied and pasted as previously onto my canvas.
I then chose a 'stand-in' image until I have completed my own concept picture. I opened this Photoshop and selected and copied and pasted into the canvas. I then just used transform controls and the move tool to put this in place.
The final piece of work was to write the concept in line with my research and ideas for this design. I added the concept using the text tool and the first few lines were 24pts and then the majority I changed to 20pts to fit into the space. I finally did my own proofread and checked teh spelling.
I saved my board as both a jpeg and psd file. This is my final board here...