
Monday, 25 November 2024

Photoshop Graphic Design Concept Board

 I was creating a Graphic design concept board for my project 'Owl Publishing'  I began by create a canvas by clicking on 'File and then 'New' in the top menu on Photoshop and then I went to the dialog box clicked on 'Print' and 'view all presets' and then clicked on A4.  I chose portrait orientation, 300ppi resolution for high quality and then just a white background.

I wanted to design the background so I wanted something not too distracting so I chose a pale abstract design from Unsplash.  I then open this in Photoshop.  Went to 'Select' and then Select All' in the top menu and the 'Edit' and 'Copy'  I then went back to my original canvas and clicked on 'Edit' and 'Paste'.  I then used the transform controls to move the design over the whole canvas and then lowered the opacity to 75%.  I then added a title and subtitle using the text tool from the left hand menu.  I clicked into the canvas and I used Footlight MT Light 60pts for the Titles and the same font at Footlight MT Light 48pts for the subtitle

I then added a logo I had made on Adobe express by opening this file with removed background to Photoshop and again using Select All and copy and paste into the design. I placed this in the top right hand corner. 

I then added my image using the same method as above and used transform tools and gridlines on the page to place this correctly in a position that I thought would make this work as a layout.

I then added my main bost of text just by going back to the Text tool and ensuring that the font and the size worked in on the board. 

I made three boards in total with the idea I can really sell this brand through brand story and logo design

I quite liked the brand story here and if I was completing this as my project I would have a more diverse range of logo designs for the publishing company that I could showcase to the client.

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