
Friday, 17 January 2025

Advertising: Plutus Bank Final Process & Advert

 This is the final process for my Plutus Bank advert.  I will do this on Photoshop (however students you should use Pixlr as practiced) I will begin by finding an image for my advert as I will use a whole page image as my research showed this is what the other banking adverts did. I searched on Un Splash and Pexels for copyright-free images and I found these images that I thought might work with the subjects around the right aga that I was targeting.

        Arielsergey (Unsplash)                      Kampus (Pexels)                          mikhail-nilov (Pexels)

      macnalodao (Pexels)                                            Olly (Pexels)

          n-voitkevich (Pexels)                 ron-lach (Pexels)                         vladimir-konoplev (Pexels)

I chose these for the space in the image for text, tagline and logo.

I then opened Photoshop.  Clicked on 'New' in the top menu and in the dialog box clicked on Print in the top menu the A3 then chose 300dpi, a white background and landscape and clicked 'Create'

As most of the images I chose were portrait, I opened my favourite three in Photoshop and I decided on the portrait image therefore I then went to image and image rotation and I rotated 90 degrees to create a portrait canvas. I then clicked on the chosen image tab, clicked on 'Select' in the top menu and then 'Select all'.  I then went to 'Edit' in the top menu and then 'Copy'.  I clicked back to my canvas and then clicked on 'Edit' and then 'Paste'.  I chose this image as the subjects were older and I thought this would have impact immediately if, for instance, it was seen on a bus shelter or similar.

I then wanted to add a text layer so I clicked on 'T' in the left-hand tool menu and then clicked on the canvas, I went to the text tools in the top menu and changed to the font I wanted to use. I chose Elephant at 52pts for the tagline at the top of the image.  The subline at the bottom with the bank name and further tagline was 48pts in capital for the name and 36pts in italics for the tagline.  

I just now needed a logo so I went to adobe express to create one. I created this logo as the banks I looked at all just had typography and no icon so I thought this suited the conventions.

I also created one with a transparent background.  I then went back to Photoshop. went to 'File' and 'Open' and opened my transparent log I then cropped using the crop tool on the left-hand tool menu.  I then Selected the logo as before I clicked on 'Edit' and 'Copy' and then went back to my canvas and clicked on 'Edit and 'Paste'.  I then used the move tool and transform controls to change size and positioning.

Lastly, I saved this both as a psd file and a jpeg and stored on my desktop and my drive. 

This is my final advert for Plutus Bank 


I am quite pleased with the outcome here I think it aims at the right target market of Gen X and The image has a good impact and the message is clear throughout.  I could have added this was a Swiss Bank and I could have added a QR code to scan as these are both additions that might bring more traffic to the sign-up to the bank but as an awareness of the bank and finding it would work as the start of a campaign. I really like the logo I think this is great for banking, the other typography could have been better and perhaps I could have worked more on this aspect as I was not quite satisfied with the type.  Overall a good advert though and I was fairly pleased with the result.

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