
Saturday, 1 March 2025

Chapbook: Completion & Adding to Website

 After much rewriting and proofreading I have completed the final chapbook, 'The Pelican Case'.  I changed the order of chapters and rewrote the original chapter two completely.  I am still not convinced that I have told this story well and I do think it needs work, so for the moment it is compleet for this part but I will revisit later.

I have now uploaded as per the mock-up to FlipHTML5 and created a flipbook I then embedded this into my website just by clicking on the 'Add' tool and choosing 'Embed' I then aligned and used transform controls to put this in the correct place on the new page I had created on Wix. 

I then added a title, an introduction and a back to portfolio button so this was easy to navigate. The book should full page however I was having a few issues with this so I will try to embed again to make sure this this works.

I then added the front image for the portfolio page and link with the button 

This project is now complete and uploaded so I shall keep testing and just move my domain over to this site so I can publish...

As the flipbook was not opening on the desktop view when you clicked on the fullscreen I added a small note to ensure people knew to click on the arrow to get a fullscreen book

I also tested the mobile view, the fullscreen seems to work on this any way, everything else seemed to be correct I just needed to adjust the book container size and then adjust the footer on this page I saved this and published again

I checked everything on my mobile to ensure that everything worked and I made minor adjustments to the text as some of this was larger on my mobile than on mobile view and did not correctly fit the page.
Overall I think this now looks good on both mobile and desktop view and it should be just minor tweaks before the deadline for this term. 

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