
Friday, 7 March 2025

Digital Arts: Reflection

 This is my final post for Digital Arts Spring Term.  In this post, I will reflect on the work I have done and on my website design.  I began this term by creating sequential images, I created a class practice of 'What's in my bag?' and then for the final images I created 'Bonkers Bauhaus' For this project I made a sock monkey, which actually took several hours over one evening as this is handsewn.  He was supposed to reflect Dada/Bauhaus art and design and I do like him as he is the maddest monkey I have made and really does reflect the Dada images from the 1920s/30s.  If I had a mass of time I think I would like to make something like this on a massive scale as he would make a great work of art. 

My next project was to create an advertisement, I decided to create an advertisement for a bank, I have never done this before so I found this highly enjoyable.  I checked out funny bank adverts and really the sort of advert that would sell to Generation X.  What I liked about this advert was the logo which I thought was quite on trend, a bit like Monzo Bank.  I also liked the name as Plutus is the God of Wealth and I really loved researching this, I found out so much more about bank adverts and who they are targeting and I found out about banking in Switzerland.  I liked the tagline as it was specifically for Gen x/Baby Boomers - we have already done the hard work and we should be able to relax!  I like it also that is the safest bank in the world, since I made this advert the world has become even more uncertain with the rise of Trump and his directives, the economy will certainly be affected and we should be working on saving ourselves from the possible risks of the future.  Overall this is one of the best adverts I have made and most enjoyable! 

My major project this term was 'A Response to the Trump Inauguration' when I began I was thinking of Marina Abramovic screaming, 'AAA-AAA' (1978) as all I wanted to do was scream in despair  When I started this project Trump had just been inaugurated since then it has got so much worse and my film used a combination of stock footage and my own film and used captions to highlight the issues, I also used music that reminded on the Bonzo Dog Doo Da band so it had the required absurdity of the situation.  I enjoyed making this and it was a reminder that we should all speak up and stand up for the things in the world we believe to be wrong.  I can't change the situation but voices will rise and I am hoping that Europe will stand up to Putin, to Trump and we will be strong in the face of aggression.  Technically I quite enjoyed the domestic screaming in the filming with more time it could have been slicker and more polished however I don't think I really wanted that, I wanted it to be more like a piece of performance art of the 1960s/70s on stage like Ono's 'Cut Piece' (1964)

On the website, I made a new website and this time it had a grey colour palette and used Palantino Linotype font. On the homepage, I used an image I created for a project with all my photography instruction manuals I have collected the Dixons World of Photography books as I think they are beautiful things and so this image seemed appropriate. On the front portfolio page, I have added a still from the Trump film and I have created back buttons for easy navigation.  On the page for the project, I have written an introduction that I believe in and explains my reasoning for this film. My About Me page has an image from another project which was on Colin Wilson and this was a moment of transformation, actually, the images taken here, a builder let me into what is now artists' studios near the Curve but was an old textile manufacturing factory and it was a site mentioned in Wilson's book, I was photographing outside and I was privileged to be allowed to take photos inside. The contact page I think is consistent and works well and all my social media links from testing seem to be in order.  I am pleased with the result of the site I still need to work further on the SEO and I would also like to add some older work to add to the work I have added this term.  As always the website is a labour of love as it should be and I will continue to work to improve this.

Next term I will be completing further writing and photography projects and I am looking forward to seeing what I will come up with!

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