My final post on finalising my work for Creative Media, in this post I will just put together the images I have shot inspired by Sunil Gupta's 'From Here to Eternity' (2020) where he had juxtaposed images of places with his treatment for illness with HIV and his life in his home.
I wanted to do this to to show my post-stoke world and the places I have been and where I am now. I chose the doors as they are portals of time and all are significant.
I began with the easiest one for me to do 'safety/trauma'
I tried in both black background and grey background
When I practiced this I was veering toward the grey and gupta leave a gap between to the two but I think I do want mine to be totally connected. I will try the grey version and post some of these here.
I am not going to actually discuss the reasons for each of these diptychs but photographically I think they all do work and I am happy with the results of the diptychs created.
I then added to my website. I opened Wix I had already set up the front page and gallery page, so I began by just adding a title and paragraph introduction as previously and then I uploaded my images to the gallery I had chosen. I also added a back to portfolio button above the gallery, I saved, previewed and then republished.
I have now rechecked and proofread this and ensured that all text was Palantino Linotype, I will now check the mobile view
I checked the page and I reduced the size of the back button text and the main introduction on the mobile
On the main portfolio page I increased the text size on the button and saved and republished everything. I then checked the live site on my mobile
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