Welcome to the new term and I am really looking forward to a new term of Creative Media Production! Over the break between terms I have been reading a book by the Marquis de Sade which has just come out called 'The Curse of Marquis de Sade ' By Joel Warner
Neoteric Photography aims to explore photography in an age where the image is everywhere. The image has become prolific yet easily forgotten. Hoping to find something to hold onto, something that will survive longer that it takes for pixels to appear upon a screen.
Thursday, 6 April 2023
Welcome to Summer Term One 2023!
Sunday, 2 April 2023
The book (The Story of Honey) which was a compliment to The Book of Lost Things I (The Story of Milk) I immensely enjoyed the writing and I do hope that once day I will complete the whole story of both as I have become very much invested in the characters that I have created and I do think this could be a great story. These books have reminded me again of how much I love to write and if I could do this all the time along with taking the photos I think my life would be far more pleasurable.
As always the constraints of time mean that many things could have been improved and of course with more time I may have shot even more Interior architecture probably trying to capture different lights of the day, like Monet's paining of Rouen Cathedral where he had over 30 canvases of the different lights he captured, painting over and over again to get what he wanted, Monet stated 'The older I become the more I realize of that I have to work very hard to reproduce what I search: the instantaneous. The influence of the atmosphere on the things and the light scattered throughout” (Claude Monet, 1891 artwolf.com) here, of course, photography is ever the box that captures all light and instead of the brush I continue with my magic box.
Website Quality Checks and Enhancement Features
On my website today I will be updating, checking and enhancing the features. I began by checking my copyright is up to date. I then checked all the social links are working which they were and this all looks good - they are large and in the footer of each page.
I then looked at SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
I also could add web apps to measure and enhance the performance website and I started with adding web stats which will record ad analyse the traffic to my website
I have added a copyright block so that no one can right click and download images which protect my images. This is when people right click and then download. After setting this up now the copyright sign and my name appear so my images are now further protected
I will continue to add further features as I update but this is a good start for this term.
Monday, 6 March 2023
Finalising Galleries & Buttons on Website Portfolio
I have also been checking all galleries and buttons so that everything works consistently and that it is easy to navigate and move from every page no matter which portfolio page you are in.
The book of Lost Things II I added as a new page and then added the link to Blurb which means that the book can be read and previewed on Blurb. I added an introduction on the page and an image from the front page of the book to make the page more interesting for my website viewer.
I also added a back button which goes back to portfolio on this page which works well and is consistent.
I did the same for my project Urbanity Bites from this term where I checked the gallery, the titles and the introduction and added a back to portfolio button.
I republished the site after all my checks and updates. I will go through this again when I complete proofreading and final quality checks.
Monday, 27 February 2023
Free Project: Action Plan & Workflow
I have created a workflow for my Free Project: Existential Crisis. This has all the stages of my production and given the short time scale (2 weeks) I will be working on each stage and blogging this as I go along.
Please find the link here: Existential Crisis: Neo Dada Film
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Free Project: Exploration of Cut-Up Ideas Milanote
I have created a Milanote board to explore my initial ideas for my project a little further thinking about what I would like to research and explore throughout the work. Here I am considering work that will inform my work and I am hoping push the boundaries of my ideas.
Monday, 20 February 2023
About Page on Website
I added my about me writing by copying and pasting into a text box on the About Page on my Wix website. I checked that my fonts were consistent - I used Monserrat font for the titles and the text.