The magic of photography continues. Today we went out to The Curva and backstreets to take some shots. The weather, in English style, was overcast and so the sky ranged from grey to white (not ideal), however, it did stay dry and I am hoping I got some good shots. Started by setting my camera Olympus OM-D E-Mark10 II to ISO 400, F5.0, and just adjusted settings as I went. Took some Black and white and some colour. Here are the contacts from the day, took around 150 images.
Neoteric Photography aims to explore photography in an age where the image is everywhere. The image has become prolific yet easily forgotten. Hoping to find something to hold onto, something that will survive longer that it takes for pixels to appear upon a screen.
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Media: Urban Landscape First Shoot
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Media SMART Objective
SMART Objective for Media Project Sign Off
I will be creating a Digital Art project which will consist of 4-6 final images that will use the concept of The Return of the Dolls following on from my former project of The Army of Dolls. I will use my own and stock images and create the digital art pieces in Photoshop. will then upload them to an NFT site and create digital assets to sell online. They will also be uploaded onto my website in a gallery by the deadline at the beginning of June.
Media: Piktochart Developing Ideas
Finalised my idea for the Media project and I decided to go with the Digital Art project. I have names this The Return of the Dolls as my concept will be a story that will follow on from The Army of Dolls
Monday, 11 April 2022
IIM Book Cover Design: Initial Ideas & Practice
This week we are being inspired by written work and so we are looking at book cover design so I need to consider books I might like to redesign. I am tempted to C.S. Samson, here are some examples of his book covers
The final version I saved as a psd, in the cloud and on the desktop and also as a jpeg on the desktop to upload here.
Saturday, 9 April 2022
IIM Art Inspired by Art Final Shot & Reflection
Here is my final choice of shot for my recreation/reimagining
IIM Art Inspired by Art: Process
Today I set up the shoot for art inspired by art images. I was trying to recreate and reimagine the image by Katy Grannan discussed in the previous post.
I tried this in my bedroom as the morning light was looking really good and I thought I could shoot at a low angle on my bed. My flat is small so I had limited space. I also tried on the living room floor however I think the first set works better here and so I will just share the first set
I created contacts on Photoshop just by going to File - Contacts - and then choosing the file on the dialog box.
I took the images using my Olympus E-3 with a remote control, I started with the settings at ISO 400. F3.5. I shot in RAW and jpeg so I have both versions for editing. I took 120 images in this shoot,
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Adding Biteable to Website
Today I completed my final video to add to my website that will be my promotional CV.