
Monday 5 February 2024

Creating a Website: Homepage

 Today I will be creating my own website using Wix and my website will showcase my work in Photography and performance.  I am beginning with a template and then I will customise my homepage.

I picked this template as I liked the clean white background and two clear images on the homepage, it was nice and simple and I think I can make this showcase my own work well. 

I will begin by changing text of the name I double clicked on the text and got the text dialog box up. 

I had to change my first page as this was a portfolio page which I did not want on the front of the website.  I wanted a dedicated homepage.  I added a new page by clicking on the left hand side menu on pages, I added a page and then renamed it 'Home'. I then used the font I had chosen for my name which was 'Bitter' at 80 pts.  I changed this in the dialog box.  I then also added my progression route which is Photography but as I work in other areas it was 'Photography and Performance' This again was using the 'Bitter' font but this was at 60pts. 

I then added an image, this is just a holding image until I add my own.  I did this by right clicking on the section background and changing the image which I downloaded from Unsplash and then uploaded to Wix. 

I then went the footer and changed the copyright to the correct year and my own name.  I also deleted the 'lets chat' button as this will not be used and I also deleted the social media bar as I will be creating this later. 

I moved my navigation to the centre using gridlines to ensure it is centred in the Header so it appears on every page. To ensure consistency I also clicked on the text opened the design dialog box and changed the font to 'Bitter' at 22pts, Bold.

I went into the left hand menu and to pages.  I deleted the pages I did not want by clicking into the three dots and clicking on 'delete' in the drop down menu.  I then used the 'Add Page' button and created the two new pages that I needed so I would have Home, About, Portfolio and Contact pages in my navigation bar in the Header  so that it would appear on every page.  

This is my finished homepage for the moment, I will be changing the image to an original image, however I am pleased with the design I like the Layout and I do think one image that covers the section has good impact and the navigation bar is easy to use and I have previewed and checked all the pages work. I| have saved all my work, as I have gone along, to ensure I do not lose any of my changes. 

Lastly I checked my mobile view on my homepage as I had already adjusted header setting and menu I did not have to complete any further adjustments or edits at present - I previewed and everything is working correctly.

Update - I have now changed my homepage to my own and adjusted the background and colours.  I just right clicked and went 'change section background and then I uploaded my own image and added this as below.

I also checked my mobile view and this did not need any adjustments

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