
Tuesday 6 February 2024

Creative Media Production: Timed Writing Two

 The feted day had finally arrived, she woke at the crack of dawn, this was really the beginning of the rest of her life.

It started 3 months ago, Amande trudged to work through the remains of snow, which was now a black icy slush, that was leaking into her long non-leather vegan boots.  She was stupidly wearing a short skater skirt and hold up that were now slipping annoyingly down her thighs and causing her skin to go first red then blue with cold. She suddenly tripped as she caught the edge of the pavement that she did not see under the sludge, she swore under her breath and then a small hand appeared under nose, like a child's but old looking.  Amande glanced upwards and looming close to her face was the face of, well what could be described as a dwarf, certainly a little person.  The little person was an old man with a kind inquisitive face, he looked about 60 years old and when he smiled hid whole face seemed to crinkle.  The small man gave a little laugh, and then spoke quietly to her, almost in a whisper, "make your wish and perhaps the gods will smile upon you".  Amande took the small hand in hers and stepped back up as she did so, she towered above the dwarf man, she looked down guiltily, and said; "thank you" quietly before rushing off in the direction of her work which she was now late for. 

Jason was standing by her office door when she arrived, Amande worked as a civil servant in the city councils offices.  The offices were dilapidated and in some place there were even holes in the ceiling, and buckets were dotted about as water seeped from the roof every time it rained.  The office block that she worked in was actually due to be demolished next month and they (the management) were desperately trying rehouse around 200 civil servants who worked in the brutalist wreck. "Amande I need to see you urgently about this reach out project on the Frogger Estate", Jason was the same grade as Amande in the council however he liked to act as if he was her superior and often dumped work he did not want to deal with on her desk and claimed it was management.  She knew better than to get tangled up in the disastrous reach out project so ready for onslaught, Amande quickly pushed past Jason, grabbed a file (any file) and claimed that she must rush as she had an urgent meeting with management about the budget.  Amande sailed round the corner, and then took a sharp right into the secret kitchen she had found hidden and unused last week.  At the moment it was the perfect hiding spot, contained all the right equipment and she had stocked up with coffee and biscuits, and best of all it had a private staff toilet that only she had access to as she had palmed the key and attached it to her lanyard. 

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