
Sunday 6 October 2024

Final Sequential Images: Sacred Sequence

 Today I shot my final images, I was going to use the interior stairs in my building however although the light was good I felt the framing would not work.  I had to shoot them in colour as I was using interval shooting But I will make them black and white.  I ended up just shooting in the domestic environment.  The camera settings were F4.4, shutter speed 1/13 (using a tripod so this reduced blur) ISO 1000.  These were the presets of Interval shooting I would have used different settings if I had completed this manually.

I then created a contact sheet using the contact sheet generator and I added my title, device and date 

I then opened Photoshop, and chose the images I wanted for the final sequence.  I had an idea I would like images like panels like in a church.  So I cropped the images so only the background door and the subject were visible so they became long and thin and then I went to image, mode and grayscale to make them black and white.  I selected each image and then clicked on 'copy' and then went to the canvas I had created (A3 Black Background).  I then clicked into this and then pasted them.  I used the transform control to adjust the size and position - making sure there was equal positioning between each image (82pts).  I then used the text tool to add the title which was in Bookman Old Style at 30pts.  I wanted it to look a little also like old photos in Gurdjieff's books and also instructional like an old yoga manual.  I then flattened the final image and downloaded as a jpeg.

These are the final images, they were intended to look slightly out of time..


The images here are okay the look is about right however with more time I would have shot these again manually and adjusted for light changed  I would also have created more and tried out different sequences.  The black and white and panels work quite well and overall they were what I intended however technically these could be improved.

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