
Tuesday 8 October 2024

Practice Advert: Lamb Life

 Today we are creating a practice Advert.  This will be for an animal charity I chose images from Unsplash because they are copyright free.

I opened Pixlr E.  I clicked on 'create new' and then in the dialog box I clicked on 'print' in the top menu and chose A4 size, I added a title and then I chose a white background.  I then clicked on create so that I have a canvas for my work.  Then I needed this to be landscape for my advert so I clicked on 'image' in the top menu and 'rotate ccw'

The next step was to open my image that I intended to use.  So I clicked on 'File' in the top menu and then 'open image' and then I clicked on 'select' and then 'select all'.  Then I clicked on 'Edit' and 'Copy' and then I clicked into my canvas and then clicked on 'Edit' and then 'Paste'

I used Tailor Brands to make my company logo.  I then customised the colours and saved this as png onto my desktop.  I then went back to Pixlr and clicked File, open image and then opened my logo.  I then went Select in the top menu and select all and Edit and then copy.  I went back to my canvas and then clicked on 'Edit' and 'paste'  Then I used the transform controls and move tool to move the logo into place. 

The final step was to add my tagline.  I clicked on the text tool in the left hand menu and then I clicked on the canvas and added a text layer.  I wrote my tagline and use the text tools to change the colour to white, the font to Emery at 96pt.  I used the move and transform controls to position the text. 

Lastly, I exported my final piece as png and saved this to my desktop. Please see my final work below.

This advert worked quite well however I would integrate the logo better into the advert if this was for publication and I would improve the tagline and choose different font. 

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