
Tuesday 17 January 2023

Sequential Images: Class Task

 In class today we created sequential images, as a practice task to use camera software on of phones and digital editing software.  For my images here I just used images I had taken in another class but this was just an example to show how to create contacts and final images. 

On the sequential images we looked at Eadweard Muybridge to begin our studies, his original sequential images were a revolution in Photography.  The idea for the images did originate from a bet: 'In 1872, the former governor of California Leland Stanford, a race-horse owner, hired Eadweard Muybridge to undertake some photographic studies. Stanford had reputedly taken a bet on whether all four of a racehorse's hooves are off the ground simultaneously. On 15 June 1878, Muybridge set up a line of cameras with tripwires, each of which would trigger a picture for a split second as the horse ran past. The results, as shown in this plate, settled the debate' (Powell, 2013)

Animal Locomotion (Plate 626)'. Sequence with jockey on horseback by Eadweard Muybridge (1830 - 1904), English-born American photographer and inventor

On some mobile phones you may need to convert images from HEIC to jpg so I used a converter online so that I could have jpeg images for my blog and for Photoshop and Pixlr

These are my contact sheets from my shoot, I used Photoshop to create my contact sheet.  I opened Photoshop and clicked on File in the top menu, I then clicked on 'Automate' and then 'Contact Sheet'.  A dialog box opened and I clicked on 'Choose' and selected my file of sequential images from my photo shoot, Photoshop then automated the process of creating the contacts once completed I saved the contact sheets by clicking on 'File' Save As' and then saved these on my computer desktop as a png file so that I could add these to my blog

This is my final sequential piece as a group. I took these images using a Canon DSLR camera 700D
The settings of my camera were as follows:

My final images are here, these images were called Doll's Demise as I was playing with the idea that the doll was somehow in peril and this is what I have put together here as a sequence just as an example.


I had a limited time to create these images, however, I was pleased with the images I took and I enjoyed shooting these in black and white.  I think the sequence for these images could have been more seamless and the flow could have been better so that the viewer has a clearer narrative.  I do have more images so perhaps I could have curated these better to make this work.  


Powell, J. (2013) Galloping horse by Eadweard Muybridge, The Guardian. Guardian News and Media. Available at: (Accessed: January 19, 2023). 

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